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Virtual Christian Science Practitioner Office
Online resources for spiritual study and healing
*Also found on Apple Music & Spotify
This playlist has inspiring music, but not all is Christian Science specific or produced by the church.
Experiences of spiritual healing including examples of how anyone can apply these healing ideas

Published and copyrighted by the Christian Science Publishing Society, shared with permission.
God's law of harmony, October 12, 2015 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel *request link only
No more shoulder injury, March 14, 2016 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Depression gives way to Love, November 21, 2016 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Always in God's Love, March 19, 2018 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel *request link only
Effects from accidents reversed, June 1, 2018 issue of the Christian Science Journal
A growing trust in God: Lessons learned as a teen, June 11, 2018 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Love and Life can never be taken away, October 1, 2018 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Never far from home: How I broke free from fear and chronic ailments, March 4 2019 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Stress, resentment, and painful condition healed, June 1, 2019 issue of the Christian Science Journal
God shows us how!, June 3, 2019 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
To be organized, consider God's order, July 22, 2019 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
What maintains us? September 2, 2019 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
What it means to be good, December 1, 2019 issue of the Christian Science Journal
Perfection that's possible, December 2, 2019 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel ​
Beyond "people-pleasing" motives, May 18, 2020 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Denouncing modern hypnotism, June 2020 issue of the Christian Science Journal
Friendships that bless, July 20 , 2020 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
"'Being a force for good': Excerpts from 2019 TMC Youth Summit," October 2020 issue of the Christian Science Journal
Shutting the door on negative influences November 2, 2020 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
"Is healing just a coincidence?" January 18, 2021 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Prayer removes judgment, reveals compassion, a web original for JSHonline
Self-government is an inalienable right, July, 2021 issue of the Christian Science Journal
The truth about self-justification, August 9, 2021 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
True representation, November 2021 issue of the Christian Science Journal
Freedom from false suggestions, November 8, 2021 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Let Love guide your conversations, November 21, 2022 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Faultless in God's eyes, October 2022 issue of the Christian Science Journal
Are you running toward Goliath?, February 2023 issue of the Christian Science Journal
An “Even if” protest, February 27, 2023 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Tuning into divine harmony, March 2, 2023 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
The pattern on the mount, January 2024 issue of the Christian Science Journal
Reliance on Spirit, not stimulants, June 24, 2024 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Let Love lift up your prayer, July 29, 2024 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Growth in the garden. May 20, 2022, Sentinel Online
Grow and Know, November 11, 2022 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
Abscission, October 4, 2024, Sentinel Online
A Knowledge of God Defeats Depression, May 7, 2018 - Sentinel Watch
Let God take the lead, October 15, 2018 - Sentinel Watch
Are we seeking someone special, or something more?, May 18, 2020 - Sentinel Watch
Christian Science Monitor:
Healed during swine flu pandemic, April 27, 2020 Christian Science Monitor *bottom of page
The truth about self-justification, September 2, 2021 in the Christian Science Monitor
Seeing through political differences with Love, Dec 4, 2024 Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Daily Lift Podcast: (Find on, spotify, apple music)
*Unavailable for repost*
Translated to your language: (See JSH for more articles and translations)
Spanish, Español -
Estamos siempre en el amor de Dios, Christian Science Herald
El amor y la vida nunca nos pueden ser quitados, Christian Science Herald
Sana de estrés, resentimiento y condición dolorosa, Christian Science Herald
El gobierno propio es un derecho inalienable, Christian Science Herald
La oración elimina la condena, revela compasión, Christian Science Herald
La verdad acerca de la justificación propia, Christian Science Herald
Portuguese, Português-
Sempre no amor de Deus, Christian Science Herald
Cura de estresse, ressentimento e dor no corpo, Christian Science Herald
O que significa ser bom, Christian Science Herald
Maior confiança em deus: lições aprendidas na adolescência, Christian Science Herald
Curada durante a pandemia da gripe suína, Christian Science Herald
O autogoverno é um direito inalienável, Christian Science Herald
Fechar a porta às influências negativas, Christian Science Herald
O autogoverno é um direito inalienável, Christian Science Herald
German Dutch, Deutsch-
Auswirkungen von Unfällen umgekehrt, Christian Science Herald
Vollkommenheit ist möglich, Christian Science Herald
Den Hypnotismus unserer Zeit verurteilen, Christian Science Herald
Gebet entfernt kritische Einstellung und bringt Anteilnahme ans Licht, Christian Science Herald
Selbstrechtfertigung im richtigen Licht betrachtet, Christian Science Herald
Italian, Italiano-
French, Français-
Guérie durant la pandémie de grippe porcine, Christian Science Herald
Guérison du stress, de la rancœur et d’un mal douloureux, Christian Science Herald
Dénoncer l’hypnotisme moderne, Christian Science Herald
Indonesian, Bahasa Indonesia-
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