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Writer's pictureElaina Simpson, C.S.

Studying is, and should be, FUN.

Updated: Feb 7, 2022

How do you make studying fun? It IS fun already because it's inspiring. It's just about making it work for you and studying in a way where you find it most enjoyable. This one is not about how to pray, it's also not about telling people to study (haha!). But rather, about different ideas on ways to study. I'll put in some links to some helpful products produced by the Christian Science Publishing Society, as well as some ways that I've found it fun to study, towards the bottom of the page. There is no right or wrong way to study, but these are some ideas that I have found useful.

I share these ideas often, so I figured it's easier if it's all in one place. JSHonline is a tool that many Christian Scientists use for study. You can listen to podcasts, read/listen to articles written today about how people are finding healing by applying their study to their lives, and more. You can also read or listen to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy for free. Some of it is a subscription that gives you access to many other helpful tools, and some of JSHonline is free.

Link to JSH: MyBibleLesson is also a product that is produced by the Christian Science Publishing Society. It's "for youthful thinkers" and has the same weekly Bible Lesson and it has colors, animations and space for notes. It's also helpful for those that are Sunday School teachers.

Below are also some of the ways I prefer to study, but of course, this is not the only way or the right way. This is what works for me: Having studied Education and Religion in school, I'm a huge fan of active-reading and annotation. The note-taking is not with the motive of concern-- as in worry that someone will forget the material they are reading. Because, these ideas we read really do stick. But we can be thoughtful in annotation and study. Asking questions... Writing out thoughts...Writing out a note-to-self and being able to come back to it later... etc. There are some people that have the leather books that wouldn't dare writing on them... I have a book that's 60+ years old that was my grandmother's, that I would never write on. :) BUT, when I have a book that I am willing to write on, I'll go through it and study by writing through it. The book may need to be replaced in a couple years if you're writing on it. But, I personally don't find that wasteful, because I always can look back on the book and see what was highlighted, annotated or marked up. You can also do this on an tablet or kindle. It's helpful to look back on when you're done marking it up. Each time I go through and read something, I will color-code or use a different color highlighter to indicate the date when I was reading it (use one color highlighter only when you go through it). OR... You can use colors to color-code, if it's helpful to a certain subject. (I highlight sentences that are helpful in one color. For example, quotations that have to do with "supply" in one color, another color for ideas helpful for "relationships"...etc.) That part is really just for fun, because of course we will have everything we need in every moment-- Just from our prayer alone! But, it is a fun study technique and to me, it's fun to see it all in color. If you have JSH online, it's kind of similar to using the 'book-marking' feature (which is amazing) on articles--Except you're doing the marking on your books, with colors. Here is an example I found online of someone's Bible journaling, which utilizes the margins and shows the colors. See info about Bibles with margins below.

With Bible annotation and things, if you're doing it so people can see your books and so you can get personal applause or to impress others with your book... That's probably not the most inspiring reason to do it. :) No one is better than another because they have a well-annotated Bible or Science and Health. But, if you want to expand your own study and if you're doing it for your own spiritual growth, that's always a wonderful reason, of course. These highlighters are helpful as they are made specifically for Bibles. They can be used for Science and Health, too. These are on Amazon.

These Sharpie pens are also on Amazon, and they are fine-tip, and won't bleed through the paper.

There are also metallic or glitter pens that I also use. If you are looking to buy pens that have zero packaging, you may be able to find something like these at your local art or convenience store.

I always look for a book with MARGINS. You can buy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures "Text book edition" in your local Christian Science Reading Room. The textbook edition has large margins. It's also spiral-bound, so you can open it flat on the table and look down on it while you read it-- Without having to hold the book open. Here is an edition that is currently in the CS Reading Room.

They also have Bibles in the CS Reading Room. But if you want one with margins, you'll have to try Amazon. Some also have thick pages that are made for writing. Sometimes they are called "Study Bible" or "Bibles for Journaling." Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: "Although this volume contains the complete Science of Mind-healing, never believe that you can absorb the whole meaning of the Science by a simple perusal of this book. The book needs to be studied, and the demonstration of the rules of scientific healing will plant you firmly on the spiritual groundwork of Christian Science."

(SH 147:14–20) Nowhere in there does she say your Science and Health MUST be highlighted, marked up...etc. But, "studied." :) So one can ask themselves what's the best way that YOU study and implement that while reading. Some people prefer to study in different ways... By reading, consecrated listening, writing...etc. Either way, do whatever you feel inspired to do. Happy studying! :)

Have a lovely evening,



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